

2015-07-29 11:05



  6a. When it comes to considering a career change, there are many things are important, but I think the most important are three points. First, you must know further study or training, it can make us keep up with the latest technology and improve our skills so that we can do the work more easily and quickly. Second, you have to pay attention to opportunities for future promotion. Everyone wants to take promoted, because it means higher salary and a higher position. of course, personal interest is essential, if you don't like your job you won 't do it well. If you have done the three points, you have succeeded.
  6b. When it comes to being interviewed, there are many things are important, but I think the most important are three points. First, you must know answering the questions fully and clearly, because you must let people understand what you say, second you have to pay attention to knowing much about the company. The more you know, the more you will be hired. Of course, having good resume is essential, because it can attract people's attention, if you have done the three points, you have succeeded.

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